Poland - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania - Bulgaria - bus line
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188 months ago
The post was edited 1 time (last time: 188 months ago)
From 24th of June to 9th of September (the last return course from Bulgaria to Poland will be on 12th of September ) works international line Poland Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria owned by Orbis Transport (INTER Bus).

The bus stops at the following stations:
Poland - Warsaw, Lodz, Czestochowa, Katowice, Krakow.
Slovakia - Banska Bystrica.
Hungary - Budapest.
Romania - Arad, Sibiu, Bucharest.
Bulgaria - Varna, Obzor, Burgas.

The trip from Poland to Bulgaria(Burgas) costs 349 zlotych (smth like $115 or 82? )

Starting from Dworzec Zachodni (Warsaw) the bus leaves every Wednesday at 9:30 AM and arrives at stations as follows:

Lodz - 12:00 (Dworzec Fabryczny, station 9)
Czestochowa - 13:45 ("Etap" Hotel Al. W.P. 281/291)
Katowice - 15:00 (Al. Lorfanego 2, in front of the INTER Bus office)
Krakow - 16:45 (RDA, Basacka Street, nr. 18)
Banska Bystrica - 21:00 (SAD, Bus station)
Budapeszt - 23:40 (Nepliget, Bus station, Ulloi ut 131)
Arad - 4:55 Thursday (Bus station, Vanatori Street, nr. 6, Platform 2)
Sibiu - 8:55 (Bus station "Turnisor")
Bukareszt - 13:30 (Bus station "Rahova")
Varna - 18:30 (Bus station AVTOGARA - Varna)
Obzor - 19:35 (Bus station AVTOGARA - Obzor)
Burgas - 20:35 (Bus station AVTOGARA - Burgas)

The way back, starts every Saturday from Burgas at 6:00 AM, according to the following schedule:

Obzor - 7:05
Varna - 8:10
Bucharest - 12:30
Sibiu - 18:30
Arad - 23:00
Budapest - 23:55
Banska Bystrica - 3:15 (Sunday)
Krakow - 9:00
Katowice - 10:30
Czestochowa - 11:30
Lodz - 14:00
Warsaw - 16:30

Ticket reservation at interbus.com.pl/en/index.html

If you have any questions, you can put them here.
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187 months ago
The post was edited 1 time by buttercup (last time: 187 months ago)
i want to travel from Arad to Banska Bystrica. Can you tell me where can i get a ticket from and when does the bus stop in Arad? I'll have to be in Banska Bystrica between the 13th and the 15th of september.
thank you!
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186 months ago
The post was edited 3 times by Szymon (last time: 186 months ago)

the last course will be on 12th of September. The bus will stop in Arad at 23:00 and to Bansk Bystrica will arrive on 13th, after 3:00 AM

Ticket you can buy from driver or from their website interbus.com.pl/en/index.html

If you decide to go with this bus, please write here. I can inform the driver or I can give you his phone number.

Here you have information in romanian http://ro.tourismtome.com/topic,179c3469,polonia-slovacia-ungaria-romania-bulgaria-linie-de-autobuz

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20:08, 20.07.2009 - anastasia
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12:11, 05.09.2009 - Szymon
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